Feature Titles
Marie's story
Director: Jean-Pierre Améris
Producer: Denis Carot


MARIE’S STORY is based on real-life events that took place in France in the late 19th century.

Born deaf and blind, Marie Heurtin, aged 14, is incapable of communicating. Despite the advice of a doctor who believes she is “dumb”, Marie’s father, a humble artisan, cannot bring himself to commit her to an asylum. Out of despair, he goes to Larnay Institute near Poitiers, where nuns take care of young deaf women. Despite the Mother Superior’s scepticism, Sister Marguerite, a young nun, takes this «wild little animal» under her wing and does everything she can to deliver Marie from her darkness. Sister Marguerite is challenged by many setbacks and the terrible temptation of discouragement, yet armed with her joyous faith and love for young Marie, she ultimately succeeds.

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