Feature Titles
Director: David Moore
Producer: Alan Harris


In 1936, Edward VIII, the then King of England abdicated in order to marry the woman he loved, Wallis Simpson, a twice divorced American. These events caused a scandal around the world and Wallis has since been demonised as the woman who stole the King of England.  "Wallis and Edward" is the first time that the events have been considered from Wallis’s point of view.  The script follows the beginning of their affair whilst Edward was still Prince of Wales and Wallis was married to Ernest Simpson.  When Edward became King in 1935, the Establishment (and the Royal Family) expected Edward to give Wallis up.  When he refused to do so and insisted he would marry her, they sought to destroy Wallis’s reputation – she became the battleground for a bitter struggle between the King (and his one ally Churchill) and the Government.  As the pressure mounted, Wallis begged the King not to abdicate, knowing she would be blamed, and fled to France.  However, by then things had gone too far.  Wallis and Edward were finally married in Paris – not one member of the Royal Family attended.

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