Zhauzhürek myng bala - TeleView

Zhauzhürek myng bala

Description: A universal story about the freedom of the human spirit and the struggle against slavery and despotism, about love, loss and betrayal. It is seen through the eyes of simple Kazakh kids and teenagers.

Rating: 6.5

Director: Akan Satayev

Actors: Asylkhan Tolypov, Ayan Utepbergen, Kuralai Anabekova

Writer: Muhammed Mamyrbekov, Jayik Sizdikov, Timur Zhaksylykov

Runtime: 132 min

Language: Kazakh, Mongolian

Country: Kazakhstan, Mongolia

Genre: Action, Adventure, Drama

Release Date: 2012-05-03

Zhauzhürek myng bala